As part of our 1st Annual Fill a Box of Cheer event, the Dawson Group Corporate Office recently donated 15 shoebox gifts to the Kamloops Family Tree.
In the first few weeks of December, thirteen volunteers held a fundraiser to collect items and funds with a goal of wrapping 15 shoeboxes, valued at $50 each – 5 for children, 5 for men and 5 for women.
“The event was a great success! I am always amazed by the generosity of our group and I was so happy to see everyone in the office participating,” said Chief Human Resources Officer, Lena Secord. “From start to finish, the event was a great example of the culture of teamwork we have at the Dawson Group.”
“There was an elf-like spirit in the office, as employees shopped for needed items, and returned their donations. Even our assembly event felt like a celebration, with Christmas tunes playing and coworkers talking and laughing while they sorted through items and wrapped boxes.”
“It was also so heart-warming to be in the Family Tree home and feel the joy and warmth as mothers visited and children played, such a deserving organization.”
“This event really embodies our most important core value – People First – not only by working to ensure our own employees are happy and safe, but by extending this value to the families in our community.”
To learn more about the Kamloops Family Tree and how you can help out, visit their website at